There isn’t going to be much posting this month. I am off to LA tomorrow and this month has mostly been preparing for it.
I am teaching 3 Tiny World classes plus an ornament class- that is approx. 70 students! I made samples and refreshed my memory of the patterns.
I did some pre-work for the classes so hopefully people might finish their tiny worlds in 6 hours!
I loaded up a TON of supplies and shipped them out to LA. I figured it was better to have too much than to run short, right? Also my tools which might be a little iffy getting onto the the airplane.
After the boxes were shipped, I was able to breathe a bit and did some sewing for things I will finish when I get back. Then, I made some clothes, because I always seem to feel a need for new clothes when I am going on a trip. Here is one of my new shirts, first try-on.
That was earlier today. Now it is all hemmed up and has buttons and is packed in the suitcase. See you next month!