White Kitty in a Party Dress

Her dress is made of vintage Liberty lawn that I inherited from my mom.

She is very fancy with her silk bow and cashmere sweater.

Here is a close-up of her purse-

and her sweater. The sweater has antique 3-hole buttons.

I will be putting the 4 kitties into my Etsy shop today. I have one more, but it is pouring rain today so no photos yet.

Throwback to hippie days

This little cat was inspired by some Indian print fabric scraps that my neighbor gave me. They look like bits of clothing and bedspreads that everyone I knew was wearing and using for decor back in the late 60’s/70’s.

Of course no one I knew would have been wearing a cashmere sweater!

She has a purse/bag just like I used to use. I would have made a macrame fringe but it was just too tiny so I settled for knots. Also a cool bead necklace.

She is out in the garden with the only thing left blooming, the alyssum.

Kitty with mouse dress

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This is the last kitty for now. Yes, those are little mice on her dress.

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Silk bow at her ear-

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Some details- Vintage cotton rickrack at her hem. Antique buttons on her jacket- I think they are some kind of nut shell? Antique shell button on her purse.

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I will be putting the last 2 kitties into my etsy shop today. I have pulled out a pile of already-sewed-up tattooed people and have started to stuff them. I also need to pull out the dye pots and dye up some more mermen. Onward!

Kitty Girl #2

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A kitty school girl in a dress made from more fabric from my Mom’s stash. This dress fabric is (probably) 70’s vintage lawn. It was one of my mom’s unfinished projects- all cut out but never sewed up. I love being able to give it a new life.

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She has a school bag, a cabled cashmere sweater with heart buttons and a ruffle edge, and a lacy shawl.

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What’s in her school bag?

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First Doll of 2020

Phew, I managed to finish one before January is over!

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Her dress is made of vintage Liberty lawn that I got from my Mom. She has a cashmere sweater and a silk bow at her ear.

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I have collected many random little trinkets over the years- that is the category that I’d put that dragonfly pin into. Sometimes they find their place.

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I’d like to pretend that I could work on the dolls and also have a side project but I am very bad at it! My quilt is coming along and I wish I could keep to my plan to only work on it for an hour or 2 in the evenings, but it is a big distraction. Here it is, waiting and tempting me in the morning light. (I managed to resist because I NEEDED to post something today!)

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Kitty Witch

I dressed this black kitty using this witch girl as an inspiration so now they are quite the pair!

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It is fun to do a different twist on the same idea.

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Owl dress, cashmere sweater, vintage black lace and antique glass buttons. greys and black.

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