Liberty girl

Liberty of London, that is. I used some of the Liberty fabric that I bought in Paris.

She is a girl with “stuff”.

She has a heathery purple cashmere sweater/jacket that buttons up the front-

Wool felt trim and pocket.

And an olive green bag that matches her collar-

and here she is, all put together.

The back, because I always want to see the back.

Collar detail-

and in the garden-

It is the end of July. Time to move on. Next week brings (a) my birthday and so the Mimi’s birthday giveaway! Check back here on Monday. And (b) away with the wool and pull out the toile so that I have some tattooed men for RenegadeCraft Chicago– which is in 6 weeks!

Wow- I just realized that this is #50 doll of 2010!