Lady #2

I feel like I am very out of practice. I take photos of my finished dolls. When I look through them later, I don’t love the face. So, I throw away those photos and rework something or other. New photos are taken. Then I notice there is a random thread on the doll’s face. How did I miss that! More photos discarded and reshot. All this is an explanation of why there are sometimes delays. 😝

They get posted eventually!

Tattooed Lady Time

It’s been a long while since I made some tattooed ladies.

My biggest stumbling block these days is finding the best place to photograph my new pieces.

This toile is such a perfect scale for these ladies.

A close-up of her hair-

Always a helper is on the scene- 😆

Big Haired Lady

It is a challenge to think of names for all the ladies! Tattooed lady #4 sounds pretty boring.

I gave her big fancy hair,

and a pretty flat chest because we love all kinds of bodies, right?!

I like this toile. It is the perfect scale for these ladies.

Back to work and new tattooed Ladies

It’s been a week since I got back from Northampton and I am working on dolls but also doing things that I’d postponed until after the show. And Fall chores, mostly garden related. So, my time in the studio is less than usual but I will be back to full steam soon.

Here is the first piece I’ve finished-

She has Christmas skeleton tattoos.

A side view so you can see her curves.

And a little dark brown glass, 3-hole button on her belt.