I thought the lady was in a balloon but it is actually more like a parachute- some of these toiles don’t really make sense. Anyway, I am sure it is a great adventure. Here is a better pic.

Here is the back of the hair-

I thought the lady was in a balloon but it is actually more like a parachute- some of these toiles don’t really make sense. Anyway, I am sure it is a great adventure. Here is a better pic.
Here is the back of the hair-
In case you are wondering, here is the definition of chinoiserie. This pattern seems to be about gardening and being in a garden.
I worked to give him some floppy hair.
A musical lady on his chest. A fancy button on his belt.
He is a big man with yellow pants and more classic toile.
Lots of animals, greenery, and a lady on the front,
and a man with a donkey on the back.
I like this new hair fabric I found! And that button came from a tin box that my neighbor gave me.
He is a few little pink spots that come from the dyeing process. Oh well, it’s a true sign of handmade, right?
And a white-haired pirate at that!
Not to mention, more skeleton tattoos. These have more of a Victorian look though.
A skull button.
I love that swirly hair fabric! When I find a fabric that is so perfect, I try to buy it in all the possible hair colors.
That is a fancy antique glass button.
He is hanging out on the porch, catching some warm(er) breezes. The potted plants are beginning to creep out as the days and nights get warmer- ie not going below freezing. The smaller pot has mint in it, coming back to life after being ignored all winter.
Here is the first one in line. I’ve got a whole stack on my worktable and I’m working to bring them to life this week. (Not all of these will get finished although in my fantasy they do!)
He has a sweet curl in his hair-
It can be a real challenge to come up with titles for these posts- hence, sometimes the odd ones! This handsome fellow has cherubs on his chest!
And a stag on his back.
Here is what his hair looks like in back-
He also has a cashmere scarf because it’s winter.
His “tattoos” are a great classic toile design. Countryside idyll.
His kilt has some tiny antique 3-hole glass buttons.
And underneath…
I’m do the handwork/finishing on some tattooed men that are already sewn up so it is going to be a bit all over the place. The first fellow is fancy because of his colorful tattoos and blue-green boots!
So many skeletons! He has an antique button on his belt.
I am all over the place with various fellows but like I said, I am picking up things that were already sewed and stuffed. There is one more guy after this, then on to something new.