News Post

I mostly remember to blog when I finish a doll but I have news to share!

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I will be teaching Swaddled Babies in LA, California at French General. It will be a 2-day class over the weekend of March 3 and 4. All the info and signing up is here. I sure hope the class is a go because I can hardly think of anything better at the end of a Boston winter than a trip to warm climes and palm trees!

Other big news- I have been accepted to show at the Smithsonian Craft Show in Washington, DC at the end of April 2018. I am so thrilled that I am going to get to be part of this amazing show! Actually, I’ve got several shows lined up at this point. I will be doing CraftBoston Holiday again this year and next year too (Holiday 2018). And in August, I will be back out in California, San Francisco this time, for the American Craft Council Show.

I am so excited about what I’ve got lined up for next year. I really didn’t know what to expect when I started applying for the fine Craft shows. I talked to friends and got recommendations and did my applications. I got rejected from the first 2 and thought, Oh well, my work isn’t a good fit (because, of course, that’s what I was really thinking before I started any of these applications!). When I was accepted to the ACC show, I was thrilled and surprised and now I start down a new path. Exciting times!

teaching in Southern California

I’m back and catching up on my sleep. Wow was that trip exhausting! I know that as I travel-teach more, I will get less anxious but at this point I can really make myself crazy. I’m a list maker and everything that I forgot, wish I’d had, or overdid, will be noted for next time. Honestly, the trip and the teaching went really well and any little blip was mostly easily worked out so I’m hoping for less stress on future travels.

The first venue was French General in LA.

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It was 2 full days- 2 classes of wonderful women making Tiny Worlds. I am always amazed that there is so much range of experiences in teaching, each group is unique. One class, almost no one finishes and in next class, almost everyone does! Some groups are chatty, some intense, some get very creative, some follow the pattern exactly. And you never know what it will be until the group comes together! I got to meet some long-time internet friends and meet many new people. The current plan is that I will go back next year and teach the Swaddled Baby which would be a 2 day class.

Lots of busy sewing-

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Next, up to Ventura for Craftcation. I taught the Tiny World pincushion there also-

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And lastly, I taught the Crafty Hand ornament. This was a free pattern that I made for Sweet Paul magazine in case you’d like to make your own. This was a relaxing class- the ornament is easy and everyone could be creative and still finish. I loved seeing what everyone made-

This one is right from the pattern-

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But some people really got into it and added all kinds of extras!

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Also, I got to take a fun class too! I learned some improv quilting techniques from Malka Dubrawsky of A Stitch in Dye, who I have online known for years- so much fun to meet in person! I am a self-taught, very basic quilter and so even though it was an improv class, I learned things that I’ve never been clear on such as theories of ironing the seam allowance. And, sewing triangles- a big step for me!

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I had an amazing, exhausting trip. I will do at least one more LA post with more pics. Now, time to get back into the studio and back to work!


Classes in March- whales and worlds!

Both classes will be at GrayMist in Cambridge, MA.

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The whale ornaments will be on Saturday afternoon, March 11. If you don’t need a whale as an ornament, you could make it into a catnip toy for your kitty! Or make 10 and make a garland. Or a 1000 and make a curtain, an entire pod of whales. Wow, that would be incredible.

And then, on March 25, an all day class for Tiny World Pincushions.

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Come and spend some time away from life and focus on something fun and concrete. The classes are small, all the materials are included, and give yourself a break from this crazy world!

Craftcation 2017

Remember when I went to LA last year for Craftcation and had SO MUCH FUN?! Well, tomorrow is the day that registration opens for the 2017 conference.

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And I am going to be teaching!!! I will be teaching Tiny World pincushions and also an ornament/souvenir. I am really excited to be going back to LA. Here is the deal- registration opens tomorrow, Thursday Oct. 13 at noon est or 9am pst. The first 50 people get $50 off the cost of registration. And, I have an affiliate link here so if you go through that link, I will get a few $ which will be put toward my plane fare. Look at all the amazing people who will be there!

Here are all the reasons the Craftcation team thinks people would like to come to Ventura

Craftcation: Business + Makers Conference is an annual four-day event featuring industry professionals leading attendees in hands-on DIY workshops and creative business classes.

Have you ever thought to yourself…

      • I’d love to take a vacation while making things with awesome people.
      • I have a great idea for a business that I want to turn into my full-time job but I don’t know where to start.
      • I have a successful business and I’m ready to take it to the next level but I’m not sure how.
      • I want to make meaningful connections with people in my field but I don’t have the time or opportunity to make it happen.

Craftcation is the place where you can make it happen!

If you’re a maker, blogger or creative business owner then join me for four inspiring days that you’ll never forget. Craftcation has over 80 hands-on workshops and business classes so whether you’re coming to craft, grow your business or a little bit of both, there’s lots of making, meeting and learning in store for you.

Craftcation takes place April 27-30, 2017, in the beach town of Ventura, California, (about an hour north of Los Angeles). Craftcation utilizes Ventura’s historic downtown buildings and businesses as well as the beach for special events like networking meet & greets, cocktail socials, a pop-up shop, opening celebration, yoga, as well as food and art tours.

Registration opens 10.13.16 and the first 50 people to register get $50 off!

This is why I think you should come

Southern California at the end of winter!

Amazing people and energy!


Ask away if you have questions. Again, I had a wonderful time last year and am thrilled to be asked to teach! Hope to see you there!


it’s been quiet here

But not so quiet in my actual life. Since my last post, I finished my prototypes for West Elm and sent them off. Fingers crossed that all proceeds smoothly from here! Then I started prepping for a class that I taught at Gather Here over the weekend. I was having a hard time staying focused on that task and did a lot of cleaning, sorting, picking through, inventory-ing before I’d have to give myself a stern talking to and get back on track. It’s a January kind of activity. Anyway, the class was terrific!

1:15:class1Everyone worked hard and made some wonderful worlds.




And on Saturday night, I started a quilt. Because, you know, it’s January!


I booked a trip to Chicago in February- Hurray! Now to look into all the fun stuff since it will not be a working trip…. hmm- how does one do that?


I am going to be the Artist-in-Residence at Gather Here in Cambridge in mid-January. I’ll be teaching a bunch of new classes! I knew if I said yes to doing the classes, I would have to finish some new patterns- you know, deadline incentive!

I’ve posted photos of examples but what we will make in the classes will all be unique because everyone will choose their own fabrics and colors. Here is what the week looks like.

I’m teaching the Owl on Tuesday, Jan 22 (although that one looks full already!)

On Wednesday, Jan. 23, I am teaching the Swaddled Baby. I am working (or maybe mostly procrastinating) on that pattern now. The class (and pattern) will include directions for needle-sculpting the face. Also a variety of designs from very basic using pretty ribbons, a design that includes a new baby’s name embroidered on the ribbon, a folk-art type design and one like this picture which I think of as a puzzle pattern (fit all the pieces together).

On Thursday Jan. 24, I will try to convince you that the patterns aren’t sacred and you can cut them up and tape them back together, make them bigger, make them smaller and generally take charge and get what you want. I will be specifically referencing the dog toy since dogs come in so many variations. On Friday, January 25 we will be making the dogs.

This is the basic design-

And above is a long version. Obviously there are lots of options to play with. This design is a basic toy with the clothing as part of the body.

On Saturday (1/26) and Sunday (1/27) will be a two-day class to make foxes. This class will cover constructing the fox and then dressing. You can make a girl or a boy fox. The clothing options will include a vest, jacket, dress, and/or skirt. You could make a kitty instead since it is the same basic construction and fits the same clothing.

This is my first adventure of 2013. I want to teach more so I am pushing forward full steam ahead! I’ll be teaching all these classes for the first time so there will be some unknowns- the biggest mystery for me is always how long a project will take another person. I’m hoping we’ve scheduled the right amount of time for the projects but I’m willing to be flexible and relaxed and hope we will all have fun. My teaching philosophy is that most people who take a class from me are looking to have a little time away from their everyday life and want play with new materials and tools- a mini-craft vacation. I hope to see you there!

The patterns will not be available for sale until after the classes so hopefully at the end of January.