Tiny Worlds 3 and 4

I was the lucky recipient of some beautiful tea cups in the lead-up to the move. I was wavering if I should accept them since I was packing up my whole life but I’m so glad I took them. Now I can think about my friends as I make each Tiny World.

This one looks so summery!

And this one is such a formal pattern. These two cup designs are practically opposites.

A special order

I was asked if I could make a tiny world in a special cup. I am happy to do that! The cup was mailed to me and I put it aside until after my show in March. (The saucer was left behind but hopefully they will be reunited soon.) It was the first thing on my to-do list after I got back to work.

Of course once I got out all the tools, supplies, and materials, I wasn’t going to make just one. So stay tuned for a few more tiny worlds, coming soon!