Her dress makes me think of fairy tales.
Maybe a Spanish or Latin American fairy tale.
Her dress is cashmere from the same sweater as the Autumn girl.
A bit of felt behind the button hole to stabilize it.
a little applique on the hem-
A top view of the felt roses in her hair.
It must be a good thing when I finish a doll and I think- How can I bear to part with it? That means I am truly happy with how it came out!
Let me know if you have any problems with the blog- we have moved to a different server and various little tweaks are happening. Sometimes that can cause “issues”. And huge aggrevation for me until I figure out all the very annoying new features. Arg!
This one in particular seems extra special.
I am in love!
She reminds me of Elsita!
I thought of Elsita too! She is adorable.
i check into your website every so often and watch with admiration how much you produce and the diversity. I love this doll, my mother was Spanish and it made me think of her. She reminds me of the Spanish ( i think) actress who acted in those westerns usually as a Mexican, I think that she also acted in a western series. Anyway she is beautiful and full of mystery.
Love her!!!
I love your work! I would like a kit! Good luck! Eveline
or Eastern European – sort of scary fairy tales always involving a lovely peasant girl in a pretty frock who overcomes all the baddies with her innocence and beauty! t.x
The roses are especially dreamy.
I just love her!!! So much!!
The details is your work amazes me !! This girl is right up my alley with being a Fairy Tale Girl, I love fairies and all that goes along with them.
Hmm… my favorite part of this doll is the ribbed waist on her lovely dress. No, I think it’s those wonderful striped socks. Maybe it’s the applique on her dress hem. No – it’s got to be those gorgeous black braids with the red roses at the top. Oh I give up! It’s the entire body of work. She’s just perfect, Mimi. *sigh*