I think I’m hooked

I found it hard to stop, once I got started. So, I have lots of new fabric to play with (or trade or whatever)!

These are the ones I mailed off to Bitter Betty today for the swap-

1. pears printed on light blue- this is showing half of the fat quarter. It is folded lengthwise.


2. Orange spirals and baby faces- also folded.

3.Green and black, Baby faces, folded fabric-


4. Flower babies printed on light blue-


5. and on off-white with different spacing-


6. Red birds, green leaves, light blue background-


I have the other half of the fat quarter of most of these. I sent the ones that didn’t have the mistakes!

Then there are these-

The bugs faded quite a bit when I washed them, so now they are mine. In general I wasn’t too happy with the ones I printed on the green Kona cotton. The colors must not have absorbed well, because all of them were a bit faded after washing.


I liked this one so much that in the end, I decided to keep it.


even after I’d printed up more in various color and image combinations! I am thinking about cutting up some of these for patches or ribbons.

these too- ribbons or strips-


These are odd sized test pieces and use up the ink/paint pieces. I won’t have any problem finding uses for these non-standard shapes.


and lastly, I needed fabric like this for my applique work-


I am so glad I decided to participate in the swap- just the incentive I needed to get me started. This is a crazy week though. Isn’t it always that way when we get back from vacation? I am having my workshop this coming weekend at my house- that means I have to clean up space to do it in! I’ve got lots of things on my mind and lots of things I haven’t had a chance to blog about yet, so if you are wondering why you haven’t heard from me, that’s why. If I owe you an email, write again. I might have lost it. Now, back to cleaning up!

12 thoughts on “I think I’m hooked

  1. these are amazing! i recently discovered your blog (maybe through the craft blog- can’t remember) but i’m so glad that i did. you’ve totally inspired me to try this- i’ve got a few things to do first, but this project is definitely climbing on the upcoming projects list. thanks for your inspiration and great explanations and tips on how you did this!

  2. Mimi those all turned out great! My favorites are the orange spirals with black baby faces and the two black textures (spirals and the rice print). What a great job .. can’t wait to see how all the other textiles turned out.

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