a new girl in pink

I finally finished her on Friday when it was too late to photograph and somehow managed to not get the photos until today. Here she is!

Once again I struggled with the coat. I thought I had it all figured out with the fox jackets, but it is different for these girls. The problem area ends up being the fit around the neck.

But, after several redos, I got things the way I wanted them.

She is all set for New England Spring. The colors are Spring-inspired but she needs to be totally wrapped in wool.

Yes, I did sew all those little dots onto the skirt. That is my idea of fun!

Do you know what day it is today? My 8 year Blog Birthday! Wow- who could have imagined what an amazingly wonderful experience it has been for me. Thank you everyone who reads, contributes, buys my work- you are the best!

And, one more thing. Check out this amazing artwork by Sam Smith. And thanks so much Cusp for sending me the link!

20 thoughts on “a new girl in pink

  1. She is amazing! I love her hair so much. Her outfit pieces are great, too. Love the lettuce edge on that skirt! Happy blog day!

  2. my first peek at this new doll and i was entirely drawn to that coat!! all your attention to detail is truly what makes your dolls special.

    eight years. wow mimi, nothing to sneeze at. i’m happy to not only be your blogging friend, but also your IRL friend…for more than five of those years. xx

  3. This little lady is so awesome! I absolutely LOVE the skirt, all those little dots just make it pop! You are so creative dear, she is absolutely charming. :)

  4. Happy blog day! I have a blog and have such a hard time blogging. Glad that there are those of you who can do it on a regular basis and do it so well.
    Love this girl in pink ~ her skirt is darling!

  5. Happy Blogversary! Thanks for making the effort to keep your blog going. Your work is inspiring. The girls that you have just finished are crazy good. It was worth it to hang in there with the collar – it is just right.

  6. Happy 8th blog anniversary! What an accomplishment, with such richness of creativity chronicled over the years :-)

  7. Belated Happy Blogiversary! I don’t remember how I found your blog originally all those years ago, but I’m so grateful that I did. Your wonderful artwork graces our home in several rooms and I get pleasure from it every day. I’m so happy that our paths were able to cross in real life too! This new girl is adorable. When I saw the first picture, I thought all of the dots on the skirt were tiny buttons. What a labor of love to cut out all of those tiny felt pieces!

  8. Eight years! Wowsers! Love what you do of course! And I kind wish I had a collection of your doll satchels and bags all pinned up in rows. :)

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