2 more.
Another Mid-Century cup-
And a diner classic-
Here is seven, all together-
I have more but will have to wait for the rain to stop to photograph them. Fingers crossed for some good weather!
I am back to work. I need to get back to posting though, since I am beginning to get a backlog of these Tiny Worlds.
Firstly though, I’d like to thank everyone who reached out to me with condolences- I really can’t convey how much it meant to me. I know that most of us don’t know each other in person, but I was truly touched and comforted by your words.
Anyway, pincushions 4 and 5-
My desk has been covered with Tiny World pincushion parts and materials for the last week or so. Unfortunately, I had to leave that all behind on Tuesday to go to Connecticut because my Mom died. When someone is 100 and has not recognized me for years, I guess dying can never be called unexpected, and yet, wow, all the feelings and processing. And getting out of my little nest/comfort zone/studio, into a whirlwind of family and decision making. Goodbye Mom ♥
I’ll be posting what I had finished and photographed right before I left on Tuesday.
The last thing I want to mention that I love about LA is the food- we do tacos, tacos, and tacos. Also fresh fruit and veg- we had strawberries from a farmers market like I have never tasted in my life!
Do you watch Chef’s Table on Netflix? I love that show! We went to Nancy Silverton’s restaurant for an amazing dinner.
And lastly, I’ll mention the Getty Villa. I enjoyed the collection although a big part of the museum is currently closed. Loved these weird bird, fish, lady creatures.
What comes next? I am doing the Coolidge Corner Arts Festival, Saturday June 3. I will be working toward that, right up to the last minute I’m sure. Tomorrow, some new finished pieces!
There isn’t going to be much posting this month. I am off to LA tomorrow and this month has mostly been preparing for it.
I am teaching 3 Tiny World classes plus an ornament class- that is approx. 70 students! I made samples and refreshed my memory of the patterns.
I did some pre-work for the classes so hopefully people might finish their tiny worlds in 6 hours!
I loaded up a TON of supplies and shipped them out to LA. I figured it was better to have too much than to run short, right? Also my tools which might be a little iffy getting onto the the airplane.
After the boxes were shipped, I was able to breathe a bit and did some sewing for things I will finish when I get back. Then, I made some clothes, because I always seem to feel a need for new clothes when I am going on a trip. Here is one of my new shirts, first try-on.
That was earlier today. Now it is all hemmed up and has buttons and is packed in the suitcase. See you next month!
Both classes will be at GrayMist in Cambridge, MA.
The whale ornaments will be on Saturday afternoon, March 11. If you don’t need a whale as an ornament, you could make it into a catnip toy for your kitty! Or make 10 and make a garland. Or a 1000 and make a curtain, an entire pod of whales. Wow, that would be incredible.
And then, on March 25, an all day class for Tiny World Pincushions.
Come and spend some time away from life and focus on something fun and concrete. The classes are small, all the materials are included, and give yourself a break from this crazy world!
This weekend, THIS is happening!
If you are in the Boston area this weekend, it would be amazing if you could stop by! And the other event, coming up soon- Dec. 2, 3, and 4-
CraftBoston Holiday! I’m making myself a bit crazy about this one. It is a kind of show that I’ve never done before, and I need a whole new booth set-up (fancy, that is). Yep, stressed. If you go here, there is a way to get $3 off the entry ticket. And of course I am working to produce the most inventory that I can. It’s all a test because no matter what, ya never get it all figured out and ya just keep trying something new. And, Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate!
Remember when I went to LA last year for Craftcation and had SO MUCH FUN?! Well, tomorrow is the day that registration opens for the 2017 conference.
And I am going to be teaching!!! I will be teaching Tiny World pincushions and also an ornament/souvenir. I am really excited to be going back to LA. Here is the deal- registration opens tomorrow, Thursday Oct. 13 at noon est or 9am pst. The first 50 people get $50 off the cost of registration. And, I have an affiliate link here so if you go through that link, I will get a few $ which will be put toward my plane fare. Look at all the amazing people who will be there!
Here are all the reasons the Craftcation team thinks people would like to come to Ventura–
Craftcation: Business + Makers Conference is an annual four-day event featuring industry professionals leading attendees in hands-on DIY workshops and creative business classes.
Have you ever thought to yourself…
Craftcation is the place where you can make it happen!
If you’re a maker, blogger or creative business owner then join me for four inspiring days that you’ll never forget. Craftcation has over 80 hands-on workshops and business classes so whether you’re coming to craft, grow your business or a little bit of both, there’s lots of making, meeting and learning in store for you.
Craftcation takes place April 27-30, 2017, in the beach town of Ventura, California, (about an hour north of Los Angeles). Craftcation utilizes Ventura’s historic downtown buildings and businesses as well as the beach for special events like networking meet & greets, cocktail socials, a pop-up shop, opening celebration, yoga, as well as food and art tours.
Registration opens 10.13.16 and the first 50 people to register get $50 off!
This is why I think you should come–
Southern California at the end of winter!
Amazing people and energy!
Ask away if you have questions. Again, I had a wonderful time last year and am thrilled to be asked to teach! Hope to see you there!