fox with a wallet

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I figured that if a fox had money it would probably be shaped like leaves. The wallet fits into the jacket pocket.

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He has a watch too.

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And a vest made from some of my favorite vintage fabric- one of my Dad’s old summer shirts. The buttons are wonderful tiny antiques.

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boy fox

He looks young to me. More like a school boy fox.

3:10:fox23:10:fox33:10:fox43:10:fox5All the stuff and here are some detail photos-

3:10:fox63:10:fox7I was hoping it was spring but we got a surprising amount of snow on Friday. No one was expecting the 14″ we ended up with! Hopefully it’ll all be gone soon.


Preppy fox

3:5:prepfox1It is that particular shade of green that I associate with preppiness. So I gave him a bright plaid vest too. It seemed like they’d go together.

3:5:prepfox23:5:prepfox33:5:prepfox43:5:prepfox5Some details- the stuff in his bag.

3:5:prepfox6and a close-up of his vest. It has 3 pockets and buttons up with thread loops.


the butterfly hunter

Maybe it is a bit cold for butterfly hunting? But, he is an optimist.

His vest shows his passion. And his sweater is cashmere.

I will try to get the boy foxes into my shop this weekend- probably on Sunday. Also, I am still playing with the photo size- let me know if you are having any problems.