2 with no saucers

Lots of times I find nice cups that have no saucers. Some days I think it’s fine, other days not. Well, these ones came home and have their own little worlds now.

Can you see that this cup has Paul Revere on his famous ride?

2:9:tw 8a

2:9:tw 8b

This one is a summer flower garden of roses- how could I resist!

2:9:tw 9a

2:9:tw 9b

I have put my tiny world pattern back in my Etsy shop and it is on sale for $8 for a few days. Also, I will be putting all of these pin cushions in the shop, hopefully by tomorrow night.

a new pincushion for ME!

I made myself a new pincushion. I have to admit that I felt silly making it nice, just for me- to make a house, instead of just a blob or something on top. Reminder to self- do it nicely and right, for myself. Okay then.

The base is something I got from my parents’ house. I believe it is the bottom part of a hair receiver. There was clearly suppose to be a top lid of some sort and it was missing. I’ve had this in my studio for a number of years, knowing I would eventually get around to making it into a pincushion. Doesn’t it look like a little farm house with veggies growing in the garden?!

I like to put my needles in the top element and yes, I sort my pins by color. I am obsessive that way. I’m very opinionated about my pins too- I like colorful, thin, long (1 3/8″) glass-headed pins. Like these but in colors. Here is the new pincushion with the old one. That link goes to the original post when I made that one- in August 2004! It has gotten worn out and a bit floppy on it’s base.

Here is another photo with my hand for scale. It is pretty big and I realized the other photos didn’t convey that.


and some tiny worlds

after doing a class, I have a number of partially finished pieces and I always have fun finishing them up.

This one was certainly inspired by all the foresty tiny worlds that happened on Saturday.

I had a fun expedition up to Dorr Mill Store yesterday and came home with a big bag of fabrics- always inspiring! They are now all getting washed and ready for projects. Back to the studio!