San Francisco and other news

I’m doing all those other things in my life since returning from SF. Laundry, rearranging random piles, studio cleaning, correspondence, reading books, listening to podcasts, gardening a tiny bit between too much rain… but mostly I’ve been on the computer, listing dolls into my shop on Etsy. What a job! I am getting close to finishing: I still have the kitties and foxes but everything else is done. I am taking a doll making (finishing?) break until the end of August- now, let me see if I can stick to that!

Here is my SF booth-

This is what set-up looks like, with my husband helper ♥

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And all set up-

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I tried to upload my video but my blogging software didn’t like it. You can see it on Instagram here.

Thank you everyone who came by and said hi- it was the best!

We did other things in California too. We went to Santa Cruz and stayed a few days with my SIL. We went to the Monterey Aquarium which is incredibly beautiful but very crowded which can make me jumpy.

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An exhibit about tentacled beasts- very cool!

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8-18-sf - 3We ate deep-fried artichoke hearts from a food truck in Castroville, the “Artichoke Center of the World”! (Their PR not mine!) We watched surfers falling down. We enjoyed cool dry air. We saw some REALLY BIG trees. There is no way I know how to capture the size in a photo.

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So many things on my to-do list that are calling my name. One thing is that I have to send my computer to the shop soon and it’ll be away for a week or so. That might effect who knows what but fair warning. Hope everyone is having a good summer!


teaching in San Francisco?

tiny worldsI will be in San Francisco again this summer for the Renegade Craft Market on July 27 and 28. I am thinking about teaching a Tiny World class while I’m there. It would be either before (Thurs 7/25 or Fri 7/26) or after the show (Tues 7/30). Is anyone interested?

Details- it is a 6 hour workshop, 8 people max, cost will be approx. $75. I am trying to gauge interest before I buy my plane tickets.

And, don’t forget I will be at the Art Retreat just a few weeks later. I’m filling up my teaching schedule!

San Francisco was Awesome!

I had a fantastic time in San Francisco. Renegade was incredible. I heard that 17,000 people came on Saturday and I’m not sure what the total was for the weekend. Our days afterward were filled with visits to wonderful places and first-time meet ups with internet friends.

We started our stay in San Francisco in an apartment that we found through airbnb. It was on a really steep hill, just a few blocks from the very windy Lombard St.

We had excellent views.

The venue at Fort Mason was wonderful- indoors, lots of light, wide aisles, real bathrooms and running water… Paradise! So many people came out to say hi- I was thrilled and a bit overwhelmed. If you came by and I had a dazed look on my face, that is why. I am not used to being around so many people! Thank you to everyone who stopped by, bought my work, said nice things, brought me presents (!). It was incredible busy and one sign of how good an event it was for me- I ran out of shopping bags!

So, I am sure I will be back! Here I am at my booth-

Isn’t that a fantastic photo? An amazing photographer, Sarah Deragon stopped by and took some shots. Then she sent me a link and said I could use them- for free– as long as I credit her. Wow! I am so grateful. Check out her website– she does amazing portraiture. Honestly, I met and interacted with so many nice people.

Here are my pics of my set-up-

And someone brought her tiny world to show me. So beautifully done and unfortunately my photo is blurry- sorry V. I love seeing the personal creative touches. She’d added yoyo’s around the edge!

At the end of the day on Sunday, my Sister-in-law picked us up and we went down to Santa Cruz for a few days and then later back up to Berkeley. Here is a quick list of the people I met up with-

Robert Mahar and Cathy Callahan of Cathy of California who were at Renegade with me. Michelle, who I (internet) met originally when she still had her craft blog going, Green Kitchen. I had dinner with Alice aka Futuregirl. And I spent a wonderful day with Sonya, both at her studio and some other places she took me to around town. I am always amazed at how comfortable it is for me to meet people that I’ve had an internet connection with- all the ice-breaking, explaining, proving ones self can be skipped over. We already “get” each other and speak the same language.

And the fiber art related places I visited:

– the Jean Paul Gaultier show at the de Young Museum. It was incredible- absolutely worth seeing if you can. I wish I’d had a whole day to spend just watching the videos of the fashion shows.

Castle In The Air is a fun shop with all kinds of little treasures for art making. They are famous for their German crepe paper and high quality glitter.  Hard to describe really!

– Tail Of The Yak (which doesn’t seem to have a website) was amazing, what can I say. They have a stuffed emu.

And they carry surprise balls by Anandamayi Arnold who unfortunately also doesn’t seem to have a website. There is a blog post about her and her botanical surprise balls here. I bought one that looks like a plum because I thought the beautiful lily would never make it home in my suitcase.

Sonya took me to Lacis, a store I’ve been hoping to visit for as long as I can remember. This is another place where I could spend a day, exploring and spending a pot of gold!

There were so many threads of various kinds- my idea of a thrill! Also, ribbons, lace, trims, tools, notions, books, wedding dresses, hats, buttons… honestly, I was in heaven.

After a delicious lunch we headed over to A Verb For Keeping Warm, a fabric/yarn shop/studio to visit and for me to buy some SF fabrics. I will try to get my act together and post photos of some of the treasures I brought home. As I said, an amazing trip!

Here is a public Google Map I made with places I went to and some places I wish I’d gotten to so will hopefully get there next time, all recommended by various people who know the area better than me. If you have favorite places that aren’t on the map, I’d love to add them so I will remember on my next trip out west.