Big Circus Man

This time the stripe pants/tights mean circus… maybe it is boots vs slippers that make it pirate vs circus in my head? (If you have no clue what I’m talking about, I’m referring back to this post.)

He has an impressive chest-

His “buckle” is an antique button. I’ve had that very special rick rack for ages and I love how it looks here. It is so nice to find the perfect use for all my treasures.

big Red-haired man

I’ve got a few more fellows on my work table. I am finishing ones that I’d (mostly) stuffed and then put back into the bin. It is always easier to get to work on something that already has a good start.

I think he has kind of a pensive face.

This is such an amazing toile. It was a good sized sample that I found in a vintage store. I am so sorry that I have now used it all up.

Big Man with Skeleton Horseman

Oops, I forgot to post this fellow that I finished up before I went to Providence! I’ve been distracted with the post show clean-up, getting everything listed into my etsy shop, and getting started on new things. Poor guy.

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I love this skeleton fabric!

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I was planning on focusing on some new animals once I was back from the Providence show- cats, foxes, dogs, but somehow got distracted and I’ve been putting together and sewing up a big pile of men. To explain that further, I had the body parts dyed, cut out, and had most of the head-to-body and hand-to-arm sewing done. I needed to decide and cut out the trousers/tights/pants and shoes/boots, styles and colors. Then sew them up. There are so many steps. Here is my pile so far. These fellows will get finished up over the next year or so.

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