Give-away Time!

I mentioned it way back here. And it is now available here!

We Make Dolls is available! It has been more than a year since I sent in my contributions for this book- and now I have a copy in my hands. Two copies actually, so I am going to give one away. Add a comment to this post by Friday, June 1 (midnight eastern time) and I will use a random number generator to pick the winner. One entry per person and all that.

I love the promo poster-

There we all are!

Here is a video that shows all the projects-

I am going to write a separate post with my thoughts on the book. This one is getting way too long!

note- give-away is now closed.


135 thoughts on “Give-away Time!

  1. I’ve been a follower of your blog for a while now, and I love your work! Congratulations on the book – I first saw it when I was updating the reading list for my book club – looks awesome!

  2. Been leeping tabs on your tatooed man and wondered if you had a pattern available. I knew about you on Doll Street, and looked for you there. Would love to be a winner. Thanks for the opportunity to compete for your book.

  3. I would love to win a copy of this book. I have begun making dolls again within the past couple of years and I love your designs! It would be an honor to make one just like yours! Thank you!

  4. Congratulations! I would love to win this fabulous book but even if i don’t I will definately be picking up a copy.
    Thank you for the opportunity to win :)

  5. I just found you and this book is an absolutely amazingly interest. Love it and sure would love to see all of it. God has given some people some amazing talent. thanks for sharing.

  6. Sounds like a really interesting book, and I so respect you for your concern about the pattern instructions being different from how you would do it. I had similar feelings when some of my quilts were published in a book with instructions written their way, not mine. But my fingers are crossed, I’d love to win the book.

  7. I don’t think you should have had to alter your pattern for the book. I think they are jerks for making you do that :-/

  8. I have two little girls that LOVE to have homemade toys… my oldest is getting anxious to start creating on her own! We would love to win this!! :)

  9. ok ok..finalmente il libro tanto atteso!!! congratulazioni! partecipo volentieri e spero di vincerlo!!!

  10. It looks amazing! Mimi, your work is fantastic and I am so excited for you!

  11. Thank you for an opportunity to win a book. So generous of you. I love all your dolls and would love this book.

  12. Won or not, this book is coming to my house. Let the making continue! Mimi, how you inspire me!!!

  13. Hi Mimi,
    This is the first comment I have ever made on anyone’s blog, so here goes. I have followed many blogs and I really enjoy reading yours and seeing what you create. I have one of your dogs and I just LOVE him! Being in a book, so exciting for you, Congrats!!

  14. I really love your dolls and would love a copy of the book to sit and flip through when I am sipping coffee and dreaming.

  15. Congratulations on the book! Can’t wait to get my hands on a copy! Sweater babies are beautiful!

  16. A book give-away which contains one of your doll patterns? Squeeee! I’d definitely like to learn about your embroidery techniques. The doll faces are you create are fabulous.

  17. Looks great! Will definitely pick up a copy (if I don’t win one, that is!).

  18. Oh, I fear, I will join a pool of tears, – but I`ll try! All your dolls are most charming and lively,- quite the contrary of Kitsch.
    Today I read on a wall: There`s no nation but imagi-nation!

  19. Congrats on the book! It looks fantastic (even with your caveats / review).

  20. I have always loved your dolls since seeing one in person at the Doll Fair in Kansas City in ’03. Would love to win this book!

  21. Yea! I’m so glad to see you in a book Mimi, but this leaves the question – when do we get a retrospective of your lifetime work? I’d love to see that span of things!

  22. Oh my gosh I love this book. I can’t wait to see it in person. I will definately be buying it : )

  23. I love sewing dolls and would love to win this book. If not, I probably will purchase my own copies. Can’t have enough craft books, right?

  24. Would love to own this book. So inspiring. Can’t wait to get my fingers working on a beautiful new doll. Thanks, Bec

  25. love the guys with medals! and the book. I have the made the doll from the purl website and love to paint the faces.

  26. I was first drawn to your work by the sheer gorgeousness of the tattooed people – as a toile fanatic it was the most exciting use of it I had seen in ages. Now I am torn, love the tattoed folk but your dogs and now the handsome and dignified statesmen who are your generals are all brilliant. Big fan right here!

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