pug time

Hurray for something getting finished! I am feeling very far behind right now so I checked how many dolls I’d made by this point last year- yep, I’m behind. Last year on this date I posted #29- 2013 doll. These pugs are #20 and #21- 2014. Not too bad but still need to do some catch up.

4:3:black pug 1

This fellow is made of black cashmere and a wool plaid shirt that I bought at the thrift store- my son got first dibs on it but he passed. Now, a new life! And a wool felt bow tie.

4:3:black pug 2

4:3:black pug 3

4:3:black pug 4

She is cashmere body, beige and black, vintage wool plaid shirt and cashmere knit skirt. I used some gorgeous wool felt from A Child’s Dream, recommended by Salley Mavor. I bought an assortment pack of hand dyed felt right after Christmas but this is the first time I’ve used any. I love it- it is softer to the touch than my standard felt and also softer color. Uh-oh, might have to buy some more!

4:3:plaid pug 1

4:3:plaid pug 2

4:3:plaid pug 3

4:3:plaid pug 4

If you are interested in either of these pugs, they are $100 ea + shipping. Email me at mimik@pobox.com. There will be more pugs tomorrow!