time for another *trigger* warning

Politics again. Well, we won on the health care for now but yikes, so many other things. It is easy to get disheartened. 3-29-protest - 1 (1)

I made the WTF fellow and photographed him at the beginning of the month. Then I decided I should make an entire rally! It’s been an interesting experience. I’ve written about how uninspired and creatively dead I’d been feeling since November, but once I started thinking about this project, I was on a roll! I got excited about making a range of people- race, gender, species(mermen, greenmen!) and I found my focus.

3-29-protest - 1

The most difficult part was coming up with my protest signs. I was limited to 12, small signs so not too many words, I wanted to stay mostly positive, SO many issues to choose from… in the end I figured don’t overthink and just get the photos taken!

3-29-protest - 1 (2)

I am inspired by both Salley Mavor and Mary Engelbreit speaking out about what’s been happening in our country. It is not the time to be silent. I never would have guessed that those 2 would be my most politically vocal social media friends.

And here they all are!

3-29-protest - 1 (3)

3-29-protest - 1 (4)


19 thoughts on “time for another *trigger* warning

  1. Mimi, thanks for helping to shed light on the world we live in, which is what art is all about. Doesn’t it feel good to give your figures the power of free speech?

  2. Wonderful!! I love everything about it and it is just the right tone – message! Thank you for speaking out Mimi! I’m cheering you on!

  3. Bravo!!! I knew Sally was doing some political things but didn’t know about Mary Englebreit. I will definitely check her out. In the meantime, I’m sharing your amazing work. It makes me so happy to see your people protesting.

  4. OH, my! I love your little people rally.They are great. I am ,like you and others, finding a more positive me evolving as time goes on. As more info is coming out about the Russian interference and Trump people involvement, I am feeling confident that our VERY COMPETENT news media will leave no stone unturned in researching & reporting this. I just want the truth, and the whole world to see the truth about our president. This week I stumbled upon a sewer on You Tube who sews dresses for African girls. I was intrigued and researched “Little Dresses for Africa”. They do good things for Africans in need. I decided I am getting involved in sewing dresses for little girls and shorts for little boys. My little way in helping. Trump is planning to cut help to people in need worldwide, so I feel we Americans must do what we can to show the world we are not like him! Resist, Inspire, and Lead !

  5. Mimi, it’s the best possible rally! A cheer for the Black Man, the Green Man and particularly the WTF Man!

  6. You’re so talented and I love seeing your work. Thanks for being an inspiration to so many!

  7. I love that you are using your “art voice” to show how you feel. As a 62 year old woman that is living with MS I am in such dispair over our country and need an outlet to let my feelings out. I will find a way. Thank You!!!

  8. What isn’t to like about artists using their art to speak!!? Isn’t that why we become artists/writers/poets/clowns? It sure isn’t for the health plan. Love this and I’m on my second doll as I await my new hip. Tatooing hearts on their hips.

  9. I lurk here occasionally, but haven’t done much of that lately. I was drawn to your post today because of its political tone. Living in Texas makes it difficult to find like-minded people so it makes me happy to see so many here. Love how you incorporated it into your art!

  10. LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is so fantastic! I’ve been watching as you create these people, and I’m so thrilled with your end result!!!

  11. Bravo, Mimi! I loved looking at these photos, even though the inspiration for them is disheartening. I made a pink hat and, more recently, a protest art quilt, so I am with you!

  12. It’s been interesting to see the works of resistance that have been popping up in our textile and fiber art community. You found a great way to show dissent! I fell flat on my face after the election and it took me about a month to find my way forward. I realized that Trump won because so many people like me have not been actively involved as civic citizens in their local communities. Sure, I voted, I care, I write about the environment and other issues, but I really have not engaged locally in a meaningful way. I’m a blue dot in a red state and could have made a small difference. Now I am awake. :)

    I started a group on Facebook which looks at how art, in all of its forms, can create social change and help build common ground. I’d love to have you and any of your friends over there: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CommonGroundCreativesInAction/

    We’ve had some great discussions and have people from many different countries contributing their insights, so it’s been interesting. In fact, one of our members there shared this post. :)

  13. i used to read your blog all the time, then my computer crashed, then life happened and i was offline for quite sometime, so its been a while……..but coming back to this post has brightened my day so much! this set of dolls with their signs is AWESOME!!!!! thank you for making it and photo-ing it. your work is amazing.

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