time for another *trigger* warning

Politics again. Well, we won on the health care for now but yikes, so many other things. It is easy to get disheartened. 3-29-protest - 1 (1)

I made the WTF fellow and photographed him at the beginning of the month. Then I decided I should make an entire rally! It’s been an interesting experience. I’ve written about how uninspired and creatively dead I’d been feeling since November, but once I started thinking about this project, I was on a roll! I got excited about making a range of people- race, gender, species(mermen, greenmen!) and I found my focus.

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The most difficult part was coming up with my protest signs. I was limited to 12, small signs so not too many words, I wanted to stay mostly positive, SO many issues to choose from… in the end I figured don’t overthink and just get the photos taken!

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I am inspired by both Salley Mavor and Mary Engelbreit speaking out about what’s been happening in our country. It is not the time to be silent. I never would have guessed that those 2 would be my most politically vocal social media friends.

And here they all are!

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*trigger warning for politics* 2

If you will be offended by reading my liberal political views, you can skip this post.

The man with Mount Rushmore tattoos that I posted yesterday had a long wait to get finished. I sewed him up last summer but just couldn’t get excited enough to finish him because of what I viewed as his over-the-top patriotic tattoos. We were in the midst of the election season (which I’d been sick of for many months by that time) and once the election was over, I was feeling even worse about him. I’m glad I didn’t just heave him into the trash. My view of things started to change around the time of the Womens’ March in January.

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I started thinking of the Pledge of Allegiance. As children, we recited it every school morning and I don’t think I have thought about it for years. But those words, Liberty and Justice for all– they kept buzzing around in my head. And then apparently, I’ve reevaluated my definition of patriotism. Oddly, I’ve never in my life felt so patriotic. When so many of the things that I believe represent the good of this country are under threat, everything looks different. And every day-

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The level of crazy that is happening every day continues to be a creativity killer. I am still finding the crisis mode to be distracting and exhausting. But, I push on because those times when I succeed in getting lost in my work are like a brain refresh.

So many things- the tide of hate that this president unleashed starting so long ago during his campaign, the work to destroy protections for our environment, the abandoning of science-based policy decision making, turning public education into a profit center for a very few, (actually working to make just about every part of the government into a profit-maker for a few,) alienating so many of our allies, the whole Russia connection, and health care, and all the lies. And the tax returns. And Twitter. omg

My goal is to do a political post approximately once a month. It is my contribution to #resist and #persist.