Blue Mermaid

I love how she turned out.

It took me several tries to get the faces and the hair to a place I liked.

More embroidered scales. I used white silk buttonhole thread to keep the dark blue threads in place. The buttonhole thread originally came from my mom’s sewing collection!

The back of her tail is plain.

I have one more mermaid but she needs to go back to the worktable. Hopefully I can show her to you in a few days. I’ve also dyed some more ombre fabrics and am so excited to sew them up!


I have gotten lots of requests for mermaids but I was not imagining anything to move forward with. During my break from making, I’d been mulling over the idea of ombre (shaded) dyeing. Finally I’ve tried it and am loving it!

Here is Mermaid 1-

I am so excited to be playing with something new!

Green hair

Mermaid hair is a challenge!

No cover-up for her!

Trying out embroidered scales with variegated thread.

A Big Mermaid Lady

6-18-mermaid - 5

I have been meaning to get back to making big ladies (that link is from 2006!) for a long while but something else always seems to be ahead in line. Finallythey are back on the worktable after some pattern tweeking. But then this lady/mermaid needed to get made and she pushed ahead!

6-18-mermaid - 2

6-18-mermaid - 3

6-18-mermaid - 4

6-18-mermaid - 1

I will definitely be playing with this idea again- I love her! After her though, I’ve got some regular ladies that I am working on. The last time I really made any was around 2010  so yes, it’s been a while. I don’t know why I stopped after making these lovelies.

Oh-Em-Gee! I finished one!

It is a girl with mermaids!

And, the Heather Ross fabrics are out again.

Back of the pinafore- button and sash.

A double underskirt with ruffles at the hems.

I’m out of practice. I took her outside and took a number of photos, but couldn’t choose the one I liked best. This one shows her hair the most clearly.

I like the pose of this one.

And I like the color contrast on this one.

Any opinions?

This was my studio, mid-afternoon. She was finished but I put her in the window to look at and be sure. There are 2 more girls on the desk, waiting for their dresses.