Lady #2

I feel like I am very out of practice. I take photos of my finished dolls. When I look through them later, I don’t love the face. So, I throw away those photos and rework something or other. New photos are taken. Then I notice there is a random thread on the doll’s face. How did I miss that! More photos discarded and reshot. All this is an explanation of why there are sometimes delays. 😝

They get posted eventually!

Tattooed Lady Time

It’s been a long while since I made some tattooed ladies.

My biggest stumbling block these days is finding the best place to photograph my new pieces.

This toile is such a perfect scale for these ladies.

A close-up of her hair-

Always a helper is on the scene- 😆

Chicago Living

Things are slowly settling here although it will take a while more- I go from being energized to hang art and shelves, to just wanting to enjoy what we’ve got so far. Here are some of the latest projects-

We built a plant wall- it is a work-in-progress as we need to find all the perfect plant stands and the plants have to settle in and grow.

We had wallpaper put into our entryway. This star ceiling was after the first day-

And then it was done!

Just how I imagined it.

A beautiful full moon over the lake. This is right out our window.

Meanwhile, in my studio… wallpaper in the entryway there too.

The weather has been beautiful, I’ve been making myself some shirts, and generally slowly moving forward. so far, so good!

Merman with Dreams of Horses

Horses and tentacles- I’m not really sure how they go together.

He has a dark peach or tan skin color.

I probably need to take another photo of his skeleton tattoos’ head. The skull isn’t showing.

He has silver rickrack and a button with a horseman going the other way. Both of the belt components have a personal history. Anytime I use some metallic rickrack, it comes from costume making for my kids when they were little. So probably at least 30 years old. The button is reclaimed from a poncho my Mom made me when I was 12. It makes me happy to give them new life.

Skeleton Lady on his back.

I figured a pool photo was the perfect place for a Merman.

It’s time for some mermen!

Merman Time. Introduce a purple merman.

He has a wavy beard,

a skeleton horseman on his chest,

and a very fancy belt with gold rickrack and aqua crystal beads.

He is lounging in the Palm Court. That is what this little area is called but no palms to be seen!

I’ve got 4 mermen to post in the next few days. Here is a preview-

The 2 last fish for now

And finally, the last 2.

This rusty red plaid is gorgeous.

And then a blue fish.

The apartment is coming along, most of the boxes are unpacked, and some of the art is hung. The studio is also moving forward. I will post some more photos soon. I mean it is still kind of a disaster, but things are happening 🤣 Forward progress is being made!

2 Orange Fish

I know I’m going very slowly with these fish but there is a lot of stuff going on that is a big distraction. Then I forget to post. Maybe someday we will get the art up on the walls in our new home!

2 Orange fish come next.

Now I need to go put another coat of paint on a project in my studio :-)