They lean a little toward aqua. Especially the top one.
This one has a fancy double top fin.
I am getting ready for the next show, November 19- 21 in Marlboro, MA. Because of that, I won’t be adding anything new to my Etsy Shop but If you see something you like, email me-
It’s been a week since I got back from Northampton and I am working on dolls but also doing things that I’d postponed until after the show. And Fall chores, mostly garden related. So, my time in the studio is less than usual but I will be back to full steam soon.
Here is the first piece I’ve finished-
She has Christmas skeleton tattoos.
A side view so you can see her curves.
And a little dark brown glass, 3-hole button on her belt.
I had a bit of excitement here- on Saturday afternoon, after I did my last blog post, my aged (2015 MacBook) and beloved computer bit the dust in a rather exciting fashion involving a pixelated screen, a scritching noise that was getting louder, the computer getting very hot, very quickly. I pulled out the charging cable, turned off the computer, but that was the end of that. So sad, I really liked that machine! Anyway, I was off to buy a new computer first thing yesterday. Thank goodness I was mostly all backed up! And now, here I am, typing on my new friend.
This fellow is larger than my typical merman- I was playing with the pattern and not thinking about how changing his tail would affect the size. Anyway, I think he will look amazing in my booth this weekend.
I found these perfect buttons online: I had to buy some.