weekend doings


It is a beautiful day here in Boston today. I took a walk and happened upon a neighborhood yard sale- very unusual for a weekend in March in New England. The person in charge must be an eternal optimist, and and lucky too. I’ve been on the look out for some tea cups to make some more pin cushions and was very pleased to find these. So, I was lucky also! It is amazing what a sunny, warmish (relatively) day, with spring in the air can do to lift the spirits. Even when you have to leap over icy, rock hard snow banks to cross the streets.

We watched Bride and Prejudice last night- Fantastic! So, so funny- and as true to the story as most movies. I loved it enough that I might have to watch it again before it goes back. I keep thinking of funny scenes and laughing again!
Here are some etsy shops where I’ve spent money recently- Novembermoon and Sara Lechner Fiberart. Beautiful artwork.

Lots of comments on the hidden button hip joints- I will do a post to show what I’m talking about. I need to go take more photos though.

little girl dolls

I’ve been working all week on little girls.


I posted a partial photo of these girls on Flickr last week. They were not right but I was happy enough with the direction they were going in.


I got the purple one on the right put together after numerous rejected leg designs. It is a battle to keep it simple and get it right. I liked her enough that I decided to try the pattern out in different fabrics. (I have been very scattered lately and not finishing any of them is one of the signs, but anyway… ) I’ve got a bunch cut out- one from linen, most from wool, felted and not felted , some knits and some woven.


I’ve got a pile of legs to work on- time for knees!


This doll design has a concealed button jointed hip. Good motion. The dolls in the top picture will get new legs like these.

Here is my scraps from today, and stuffing that I keep pulling out of the rejects-


btw- I did enter Mr. Kitty into the Softie Awards. I liked Miss Dot’s comment to think of it as participating instead of a contest. That made sense to me. Thanks everybody, I really appreciated your opinions.

kitty 10


I was having a heck of a time this morning, trying to find light in the right place to photograph this guy. It was way too cold and windy to try outside. I made this kitty before Christmas, but never finished him up. Yesterday I gave him a new face, a vest and a book bag.


I love the bow tie. I think it goes well with his vest. He is made out of a boiled wool sweater. When I washed it, it became even denser and small- it was tight getting one kitty out of this perfect color wool. His book bag is wool felt.

back view-


and the inside of the vest-


here is another view of his whole self.


I keep thinking about entering the Softie Awards but have been holding back… I’m just not sure I want to enter a contest. The Month of Softies was fun because it wasn’t about somebody winning. I am afraid I might actually care too much. I guess I’ll have to make up my mind soon- the deadline is Friday.

pears in progress

I’ve gotten a little done on the pears. Here they are, all basted down. They are made from 5 wool recycled sweaters and one piece of woven wool.

I am appliqueing them, using that method I learned at Purl last summer-


and now they are sewed down. That’s a piece of cashmere that they are sewed onto, from my Mom’s stash.


I’m sorry about all the problems with the blog and comments and all. Hopefully we will figure out a way to get things running smoothly and consistently again.