He is very circus-y.

Very classic toile for this big fellow.

Vintage cotton rickrack, bias tape, and button. Using vintage sewing notions makes me so happy.

And here he is in my studio which is in pretty good shape these days!

He is very circus-y.
Very classic toile for this big fellow.
Vintage cotton rickrack, bias tape, and button. Using vintage sewing notions makes me so happy.
And here he is in my studio which is in pretty good shape these days!
He has the same vine fabric for his skin, but different hair, belt, and boots.
And even closer-
I love how his hair came out so here is many photos!
And his beard-
How about a little owl button?
This time it is a blond farmer with suspenders.
Corn on the front, tomato on the back!
He has the classic tattoos.
I was so thrilled when I discovered this fabric! Here is a little peak under his beard-
A vintage metal button.
More on his back.
Well, skeleton tattoos on a man :-)
Bright colors!
These skeletons are having loads of fun.
He also has an antique glass button on his belt.
Can you relate?
This fabric has skeletons enjoying a day in the park and I’d guess it is Victorian or Edwardian era. I gave him an antique button on his belt from that time frame.
His mouth got a bit hidden by his beard.
He has a vintage hook for a belt buckle.
And decorative laces on his boots.
Look at all those veggies!
He is my ode to the end of Farmers Market season.
I am in mourning for our country and democracy but will not bore you with my angst. I will try to keep this space positive. It will be a challenge.
I pulled out my bin of tattooed men parts, right after I cleaned up the tiny world mess- and it was a huge mess. And then several things happened to distract me.
Firstly, 2 of my kids came over and we rearranged my studio. Now that I’ve been working a while, I knew it wasn’t the best layout. Here are some new photos-
Rearranging everything untied my organizational knot. I got a lot of things stored away and am feeling much better about my space.
The next distraction was that I discovered that my houseplants had thrips. If you are a plant-nutter like me, you will understand my anguish. I spent many, many, hours dealing with that mess. Some plants didn’t survive :-( Now I am keeping an eagle-eye on my house jungle.
I was doing some doll work through this all- just very slowly. Next up was cleaning up my garden and bringing plants inside (without new bugs I hope!). That’s when I decided that I needed to put up a window plant shelf. That involved actually painting the windows which I had been procrastinating about. Here is where I am at with that project-
I’m getting there. I really had to do this now because the weather is cool but not freezing yet. I can still open the windows, but in the summer it would have been too hot. So the studio is still a messy project but progress is being made. And I finished a tattooed man!
I don’t know what this imagery is actually called- it is skeleton Christmas.
So hopefully, more will be coming soon. Take care of yourself.
Waves in an old diner mug.
When I saw these tea cups at the thrift store, I had to grab them!