recent news- so much!

My blog birthday was last week on February 13- 9 years old! Yes, I am amazed too! Nine years old is the age that I look back on with the most fondness in my own childhood. We’ll see what this year brings for my blog.

Okay, I have the Swaddled Baby pattern done. I am planning to have it available for sale on Wednesday evening. I’m going out of town for a few days and I don’t want to put it into my etsy shop if I’m not around to send out the pdfs. I will also be setting up a shop at Craftsy which does automatic downloads. See you on Wednesday!

I have recently gotten some very inspiring books-

Hurray! I now have my copy of Lilla’s book- I Just Like to Make Things: Learn the Secrets to Making Money while Staying Passionate about your Art and Craft and have started reading. It is so exciting, inspiring and beautiful! I am so proud to have a little part in it- yes, there I am!

I also bought myself a few other beautiful book treats last week- Mark Hearld: Workbook, an amazing, almost all picture book of the work of a British illustrator. Gorgeous.

And, Illustrators 53 , the Society of Illustrators Annual. I looked to see if I could get some back issues out of my local library and the most recent on they had was 1980! These books are keeping me motivated to keep on with my “draw more” New Years resolution. I’m doing pretty well on that, btw. I have missed days but keep going back and not giving up. The trick for me is that I try not to do it at the end of the day when I’m tired. And, in case you might have noticed something a little different here, I just signed up to be an Amazon affiliate so I will actually get a tiny kickback if you click the links and buy. Figured I’d give it a try, now that I am 9 years old!

And other things- I’ve been playing with colors and my dots and flags.

Making these is one of the ways I deal with myself when I’m freaking out about something- like feeling overwhelmed by computer ignorance when I’m doing the patterns. Step back, breathe deeply, calm down, play with the pretty colors.

And, as usual, lots of unfinished projects are littering my space. Right now, foxes and kitties.

So many projects, never enough time.

another tiny world, books,

and some other notes.

One more tiny world done-

Another meet-up this morning and it was fantastic! Thanks for showing up ladies- Liz, Crystal, Louise, Linda, Lisa, and Kerry! Next one is April 14. Hmm, the day before taxes. Wonder if anyone will show up?

And, a book report. I bought myself a book about the circus. It is gigantic!

I’m not sure how I first discovered it. Maybe an Amazon search? I discovered that one local library has it as a reference book so I went to look at it. I literally gasped when I opened it. 600 plus pages of inspiration. But… wow, it cost SO much. It took me over a month to decide to buy it. First I thought I’d wait to see if I lost interest. When I didn’t, I checked out all the used book sites, watched on ebay, and then discovered there is another book of the same name by the same author but smaller… That was when I finally decided to just go for it and buy it on Amazon. I am not sorry.

and like I said, 600+ more pages!

And another book- this one I got out of the library, but I think I’ll be looking for a used one online.

Someone posted about it on their blog a while back- sorry but I don’t remember who. When I saw the book, it brought back a flood of memories. This book was the one I was using back in 9th grade when I made this sampler-

It is so much fun to page through the book and see how it influenced me. It is inspiring me once again – this time I am using the stitches on my tiny worlds.