Paper Patterns

It’s been a long time coming but I finally have paper patterns listed in my Etsy shop.

These are the 5 that are available for me to mail to you.

Friend Kitty Doll

Tiny World Pincushion

Swaddled Baby Doll

Fresh Fish Pillow Doll

Night Friend Owl Pillow Doll

I am happy to do wholesale orders and group orders for anything over 10 patterns. Email me or send me a message through my etsy shop or various social medias.

Ornaments Live!

I have posted my 5 new pdf ornament patterns into my etsy shop here! I am SO excited about these. I had so much fun and can’t wait to make more but back to work on dolls for a while first. To celebrate, I will give away 10 patterns! Leave a comment saying which one you’d like and I will pick ten winners after Monday (7/20, ends at midnight eastern US time). One entry per person, right?!

There is the whale

Whale ornament cover.pdf”

Felt fish, perfect for embroidery embellishing! If you fill it with catnip, your kitty will love you (even more).

Fish Pattern cover

An adorable Star Baby. You could embroider the back with a name and date for a baby’s first Christmas.

etsy Star Baby cover

A Gnome– or maybe an elf? Santa’s helper?

Gnome Ornament cover

And a Winter Girl– This would actually make an adorable little doll, don’t you think?

winter girl ornament cover

Okay then. Let’s have a giveaway! Please come over to comment on the blog (no emails).


ornaments on the horizon

I know it has been pretty quiet over here. It has not been quiet in my life! I am making great progress on my ornament patterns and hope to publish 5 designs in mid-July, when I get back from Portland, Oregon.

7:2:ornaments 1

And, I took another trip down to Brooklyn for some West Elm business- that made the 3rd trip to NY in 5 weeks! I stopped in Connecticut to see family. I’ve spent some time making new clothes- I really ought to do a post about that. But, mostly I have been concentrating on pattern writing and photo taking.

7:2:ornaments 2

And, wow, is my desk messy. Lots and lots of tiny bits of paper and thread and felt.

7:2:ornaments 5

And samples and more samples.

7:2:ornaments 6

I’m hoping to be back to the regular making schedule once I am back from my trip and the patterns are ready.

New Baby- pattern that is.

The pattern is being launched on the same day as my first real baby was launched into this world. Happy Birthday Eleanor!

The pattern is available in my Etsy shop here and also my newly opened Craftsy pattern shop. The plus of Craftsy is that the pattern is sent immediately- ie, I don’t have to send out the email. That is great if you are in a very different time zone than me and are in a hurry.

recent news- so much!

My blog birthday was last week on February 13- 9 years old! Yes, I am amazed too! Nine years old is the age that I look back on with the most fondness in my own childhood. We’ll see what this year brings for my blog.

Okay, I have the Swaddled Baby pattern done. I am planning to have it available for sale on Wednesday evening. I’m going out of town for a few days and I don’t want to put it into my etsy shop if I’m not around to send out the pdfs. I will also be setting up a shop at Craftsy which does automatic downloads. See you on Wednesday!

I have recently gotten some very inspiring books-

Hurray! I now have my copy of Lilla’s book- I Just Like to Make Things: Learn the Secrets to Making Money while Staying Passionate about your Art and Craft and have started reading. It is so exciting, inspiring and beautiful! I am so proud to have a little part in it- yes, there I am!

I also bought myself a few other beautiful book treats last week- Mark Hearld: Workbook, an amazing, almost all picture book of the work of a British illustrator. Gorgeous.

And, Illustrators 53 , the Society of Illustrators Annual. I looked to see if I could get some back issues out of my local library and the most recent on they had was 1980! These books are keeping me motivated to keep on with my “draw more” New Years resolution. I’m doing pretty well on that, btw. I have missed days but keep going back and not giving up. The trick for me is that I try not to do it at the end of the day when I’m tired. And, in case you might have noticed something a little different here, I just signed up to be an Amazon affiliate so I will actually get a tiny kickback if you click the links and buy. Figured I’d give it a try, now that I am 9 years old!

And other things- I’ve been playing with colors and my dots and flags.

Making these is one of the ways I deal with myself when I’m freaking out about something- like feeling overwhelmed by computer ignorance when I’m doing the patterns. Step back, breathe deeply, calm down, play with the pretty colors.

And, as usual, lots of unfinished projects are littering my space. Right now, foxes and kitties.

So many projects, never enough time.

a few things finished

I’m working on the patterns and I am making slow progress. As I work, dolls get made. Here are the babies, so far. Two Basic babies, a folk art baby and a bird baby-

And a dog. I made this one and did all the photos for the pattern but realized that there wasn’t enough contrast to show the techniques so now I have another on going.

Back to work now!

making patterns

I am working away at pattern-making and it is using up all my words. So, no blogging and no tweeting and no facebook.

This is the “basic baby”. I’m working on some embellished versions.

And the dog.

So many steps to think about. And lastly the fox but no pictures yet. Pattern making is very difficult- I used to think just for me but after being on twitter with other people who do this, I know it is hard for everyone. I am stressed out by the technical end of putting it all together because everything I’ve used before (old photoshop and indesign) will not work on my new computer. If I upgrade (expensive for something I rarely use) there will be the re-learning how to use it. All that is swirling in my head as I work on the directions, the photos and the diagrams. I will get it all worked out but in the mean time I will make myself crazy. Now, back to work!

Night Friend Owl Pattern!

Hurray! It is now available in the shop!

I am busy listing all the owls and will hopefully be done by the end of the afternoon today.

Thanks for all your help with the names. I had so much fun reading all the suggestions. I don’t want something too specific or gendered since I think that can ruin the fun for whoever makes or gets the owl in the end. I think this is a nice compromise.

things are moving forward!

On the cleaning up of the workspace-

Hello Floor! I haven’t seen you in a LONG time! I needed to get the clean-up done to make room for other people in the studio.

Kerry came over to help me with the pattern and she took some amazing photos.

The pattern is now basically done. I printed out the second draft before dinner tonight and then spent an hour or so after dinner trying to figure out how to make a small enough pdf to email to my proofreader/testers. I DID IT! Honestly, I was so amazed at my success, I felt like running outside and yelling!  I will spend the next few days posting all the owls, starting now. Here is the star of my pattern-

Tomorrow I am starting with a new intern. It was suppose to be today, but another Nor’easter came through and gifted us with another 12+ inches of snow, so we declared a snowday. Ah well, I needed to finish the pattern anyway.

today’s desk

the owls are piling up as I work on the pattern.

And, we got another 8 inches of snow this morning. I’m glad I don’t need to commute anywhere.

btw- I am trying to figure out a good name for my owl pattern- all suggestions will be considered! And, if I use your idea in any way, I will send you a free pattern when it is done.