2 guys

I think they are brothers but maybe just great friends. They have the same tattoos but switched, back and front.

I love these fabrics but found it a challenge to figure out how to use them. I think combining them worked out pretty well!

balloon man

Not what you were thinking from the title, eh?

It is so much fun to work with interesting toile. It makes the whole project more interesting- figuring out how to use the fabric to get the best images on the most appropriate places on the body.

The section of the toile with the balloon image was longer than the usual torso I cut out for my men dolls. I redesigned the fellow with a longer torso and shorter legs. I love how he looks.

If you ever see some toile that you think I might be interested in, I’d love to hear about it. Most of the great fabric that I’ve had the pleasure of using has been gifts from friends. I also buy scraps off of Etsy and Ebay and always keep my eye out at the thrift stores. I need toile with a white or cream background with the images printed in blue, brown or black. Also, since I over-dye it all, it should be cotton or linen. I don’t need huge pieces- decorator squares are excellent. I have a ton of red and white toile (slipcovers from my mom’s sofa, found in the attic when we cleaned out her house) and would be happy to trade too.

last doll of the year

I wanted to reach my goal of 70 dolls for the year so I found the doll that was closest to being done and finished him up. In case you were wondering, that means the doll was sewn and stuffed, mostly. I finished the stuffing, sewed him closed and then did the hand work. First, the face. Second, the hair. Third, the belt. By the time he was done, it was dark so I did the photos today. And we were having a big storm so photos weren’t going to happen yesterday!

Mr. Tattooed Snowman- brrr!

I liked the light on this one-

*Update- Geesh! I am trying to do a mosaic of the dolls of 2008 and realize that I don’t have individual photos of each doll. So… I send some over to my Flickr- I am sure that will be confusing some people. Now it turns out that my count has been off- That 50th doll was actually #52 and I made 72 dolls this year. New Years resolution for 2009- number the dolls. Back to work on that mosaic!

the next few days

next year I might number my dolls so I don’t have to think up names and/or titles for the posts or pictures!

I had hoped to finish this guy before the show yesterday. He had been languishing, unstuffed, in my corner of unfinished dolls. Didn’t quite happen, so instead I brought him along and worked on him during quiet moments and got him mostly done- then finished him up today.

And I took this photo of the two ladies together because Robin asked :)

I am going down to Connecticut for a few days to see family. I will do an Etsy shop update on Thursday around noon EST with some things I’ve made in the past few weeks that are available. There will be 2 lady dolls, the pirate and a snow scene pincushion.

and a bunch more guys

Three more men in vintage bathing suits, one sepia tone. I decided to wait and post these as a batch instead of one at a time, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday… seems like that would be repetitive and boring. I think that the sepia fellow looks odd with the other 2. I took loads of photos and was not satisfied with any of them. He looks better when paired with his other sepia friend.

Here they are in the order I finished them in-




I recently got an updated version of WordPress. I hate trying to adjust to a new system. I get so frustrated, it makes me feel so stupid and  I am right back in 7th grade trying to memorize a french assignment. As far as I can tell, what I get for this aggravation is tags. What I have lost is understanding how to put pictures where I want them (among other things). So, I am sorry about how spread out everything looks- I couldn’t figure out how to put the long thin photos next to each other. I’ll probably figure it out in a year or so- right before the next upgrade. Whine, whine, whine….