It’s time for the 2018 round-up!

It’s been a banner year for my doll-making- 166! That is a record for me!

I made 39 men- including 3 Green men, 8 Mermen, 2 Scotsmen in kilts, 6 Lumberjacks, and 1 Sailor. I’ve been focusing more on the different characters because they are more fun for me these days.

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7 Tattooed Ladies and 10 Dogs.

12 Big Lady pillow dolls which I hadn’t made in a lot of years, and 12 Babies. The ladies and the babies go together in my head- both are about the wool applique.

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7 Girls dolls and 29 Owls. I had fun with the girls but they were very labor-intensive. There will be more in 2019 though; I just sewed up a bunch. The owls were very popular at the shows I did and that is why I ended up making so many. Doing shows is all about having enough inventory.

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17 foxes and 11 Kitties- I learned that B & W kitties are very popular.

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And 21 Fish.

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Not dolls, I also made 26 Tiny Worlds,

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And a quilt!

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It has been a very busy year for me. I know that a lot of the reason I ended up making so much was because of the shows I did- Smithsonian, ACC San Francisco, and Arts Providence. I am very inspired by a deadline.

Here are some links to my most recent other yearly mosaics- 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014.

I finished my quilt!

It’s voting day today in the US. I hope you have all gone out and made your voice heard. I try to remember, nobody is going to be the perfect candidate/solution. Let’s just try to move things toward a more equal, kinder, healthier country. I thought I’d post my finished quilt today for a bit of non-partisan happy.11-6-quilt - 1

I told you about starting the quilt here. So much of moving forward on this quilt has been about giving myself permission to not strive for perfection. It is so freeing. I didn’t worry about getting all the points to match up, the back (inside) seams are a mess, and I hand-quilted it. The stitches are all over the place, getting better and neater the more I did, so now they don’t match at all! Guess what- it is now finished and I will never notice. And I actually got it finished because I wasn’t making myself crazy about the details. Honestly, the hand-quilting was very relaxing. I spent an hour or a few most days until it was done, listening to audiobooks or podcasts. Nice.

Early on quilting stitches-

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In case you are wondering- no I didn’t use any kind of frame. I draped the quilt (queen size) over a plastic-topped folding table- 24″ x 48″. The weight of the quilt kept things taut. The plastic top made it relatively easy to move it around as I worked. Also I could stitch down to the plastic and not worry about scratching something nice.

This pic is before I put on the binding.

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The whole thing! Thanks husband and son and neighbors’ porch!

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After I got the edge binding on, I put it through the washing machine. That is where this project hit a snag. The quilt came out all fuzzy (bearding I believe it is called). The quilt is all wool and the batting is also wool. The wool batting fibers migrated up through the wool fabrics. I used a clothing brush on it, back and front, and came away with a basketball size pile of wool fluff. The quilt looks fine although it is still a bit fuzzy.

On the bed-

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And here is the back since I know you want to see-

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the last 2 Tiny Worlds for now

I just had to make a snow scene before I finished this batch.

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Now this last one had to get made because somehow I always end up with 13 and I’m superstitious… I know, crazy. So I had to make one more.

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Okay, so that’s it for now. I will be trying to get them all into my etsy shop in the next few days. Everything is now listed in the shop!

Also, a reminder- The Owl class is in 2 weeks. Come and join the fun!

Fairy House Tiny Worlds

I am almost finished with the Tiny World pincushions. Two more after this and hopefully there will be a little dry weather tomorrow to take photos.

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This one is made on a beautiful cup which has unfortunately lost it’s saucer. A very lovely lady in Washington DC gave me 2 of them when I was doing the Smithsonian Show. I am so happy to give them a new purpose.

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Two new Tiny World designs

First we’ve got a barn with a rooster on the mug.

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Those tiny sheep were a challenge!

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And this design is something I’ve pondered for a long while. I wanted to do a night scene. I even found those wonderful star pins at Tale of the Yak, when I was in San Francisco last summer. And then, to bring it all together, I found this black teacup at the thrift store and so it happened.

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Not too Halloween-y I think.

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The weather today was back to summer (mid-80’s) here in the Boston area. Look who visited my garden-

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I don’t see many monarch butterflies anymore so this made me very happy.