process- part 2

Once the doll is stuffed, most of the rest is hand stitching. Breasts sewed on with a ladder stitch.

The face is sketched on with water-soluble marker.

Figure out what kind of hair-do she needs and then draw up a pattern. I always draw a pattern because if I love how it comes out, I want to remember how I did it!

Pin the hair in place and stuff.


Stitch the face.

Hah- That makes it sound so easy! I often cut the embroidered faces off several times before I am satisfied.

Stuff the arms and stitch the fingers.

Arm to shoulder.

Hmm. She needs a belt. Pull out a variety of trims and hope I have the exact right color.

A strip of vintage cotton bias tape-

A length of vintage cotton rick rack.

And a button.

Spritz all the blue lines, let her dry and she is done!

Thanks for all the comments so far- I’m glad everyone is enjoying seeing how I put these together. Tomorrow I hope to take her “beauty” shots. It was too wet outside today for a photo shoot.


I have a plan to put together a process book or slideshow so that when someone asks me- Why are these dolls so expensive? – I can show them. I’ve been trying to remember to take photos as I am working on some new projects. Here is what I’ve got so far.

Making a tattooed doll.

The project starts in two places. The fabric-

I am always on the lookout for appropriate fabric. It needs to be the right scale, the right color design,and  images that I like. I buy mostly on Ebay and Etsy. Besides the toile, I need plain fabric for the head and hands and fabric for the clothing.

Next, I over-dye all the fabrics. Every pot comes out slightly different! One challenge is to get some of the plain fabric to match some of the toile.

And the design is the other starting place. I have an idea in my head and I need to get it out on paper.

From the paper, I make muslin models. Tweaking is almost always needed.

When I get a design that I am satisfied with, I trace out various parts of the original to make the pattern pieces. The pieces for this one are- head, upper torso, shirt, breasts, pants, boots, arms, hands. Later I will figure out the hair.

I trace the pattern pieces onto the fabrics.

Sew everything up and when I turn the doll right-side-out, it is so exciting to see how she looks!

Next, stuffing. And then all the details. First, the breasts.

That is what I’ve got so far. Now back to work!

things are moving forward!

On the cleaning up of the workspace-

Hello Floor! I haven’t seen you in a LONG time! I needed to get the clean-up done to make room for other people in the studio.

Kerry came over to help me with the pattern and she took some amazing photos.

The pattern is now basically done. I printed out the second draft before dinner tonight and then spent an hour or so after dinner trying to figure out how to make a small enough pdf to email to my proofreader/testers. I DID IT! Honestly, I was so amazed at my success, I felt like running outside and yelling!  I will spend the next few days posting all the owls, starting now. Here is the star of my pattern-

Tomorrow I am starting with a new intern. It was suppose to be today, but another Nor’easter came through and gifted us with another 12+ inches of snow, so we declared a snowday. Ah well, I needed to finish the pattern anyway.


does anyone know what the official names are of these stitches?

This one is sort of a back stitch but looks like a running stitch. Unlike a running stitch, it doesn’t pull out. I think of it as a locking back stitch.

And what about this one? I think of it as an overcast stitch but not sure if that is right. I couldn’t find anything in all the embroidery books I have. And I have a lot.

It is for my pattern. I want to use the correct terms if I can figure out what they are!

today’s desk

the owls are piling up as I work on the pattern.

And, we got another 8 inches of snow this morning. I’m glad I don’t need to commute anywhere.

btw- I am trying to figure out a good name for my owl pattern- all suggestions will be considered! And, if I use your idea in any way, I will send you a free pattern when it is done.

working on

the owl pattern and getting the studio picked up. Both are going slowly.

There are blizzard warnings in the neighborhood so this months’ Crafty Biz meet-up is postponed until next Wednesday (1/19). Email me if you want details.

*blog heads-up* I am going to have a Martin Luther King Day sale- I will be marking down some of the things in my Etsy shop that have been there too long. I have some older pieces that I’d like to sell also and will either put them here in the blog or list them on Etsy. The sale will start on Thursday morning and run through the long week-end.

And, I’m heading back up to Portland (ME) next weekend to deliver P back to school and eat some excellent food. I’m always open to suggestions!

in progress…

This is one of those weeks where there is a lot going on and not much gets finished in my studio. I’ve got things started- things that I hope will move forward with short periods of focus. There are 9 babies started-

After I’d cut them out and sewed them up, I realized that I only had one roll of wool stuffing left (2 1/2 lbs). Uh-oh! I had to call up and order more stuffing, first thing on Monday morning.

And,  a pile of fish. My idea was to sew them together and then I could trim them, turn them and stuff them as I sit around with family over the next week or so. My daughter has arrived today and as of this evening, I have them trimmed and turned.

So, between the shopping, the cleaning, the cooking, the extra people in the house, I am hoping to get a little bit of work done and not feel too crazy by next Monday.

thinking about…

Honestly, I am not sure why it has taken so long to sink in, but YIKES! I need to get some serious work done for my holiday season sales. It is probably noticing that the calendar now says November that did it. So, I am going to put aside any thoughts of finishing up a pattern for the owl or anything else right now. I’m sorry to disappoint, but I just haven’t been able to concentrate on it. And now it is November. I will go back to it when things settle down- probably in January.

I am putting together a fantasy trip in my head. Go to San Francisco next summer for the Renegade Craft Market and maybe teach a class while I am out there. Wouldn’t that be fun? Hmm, how can I make that happen? I am open to any ideas. My SIL lives in Santa Cruz and visiting there would be part of this fantasy.

I am suffering a tea cup shortage; especially ones suitable for snow scenes. You just can’t put a snow scene in a flowered cup. I’m going to have to go out hunting. And toile for my tattooed people. Finding the right fabric is a real challenge. The challenges and hardships of my art- yup!

And, btw, I should be getting those latest tiny worlds up on Etsy this weekend.

various things in progress

I am getting prepared for my tiny world class on Saturday-

and working on the owl pattern. It is not coming together as straightforwardly as I had hoped. Things that work well when I am in my groove, are now not working at all. I’ve got to step back and rethink how some of it goes together.

I’ve been cleaning the house because of family visitors and the class on Saturday. Yes. it really needs to be done, every once in a while! Anyway, I love the little messages I find on the refrigerator door. I assume, left by one of my kids.

studio photos

Yesterday morning-

I feel like I am running in place here- lots of things started and I am not sure what direction to go in. I am working on the Luv-able and Hug-able pieces in a very different way then usual, since I am making one of this and one of that- not my usual practice. I should be back on track soon though. And back to the pattern. Well, as soon as I’ve gotten over this bad cold. Then I’ll see if I can figure out how to use the new scanner.

Here is my desk today. I am making a kitty with a skirt made of the vintage fabric in the bottom photo.

Amazing, isn’t it!

I have one piece almost finished but with my head feeling all fogged in, I can’t decide if she is good yet. I might have to change her face.