Black Pug Girl

And the last pug for now.

6:25:blackpug1A black dog is very hard to photograph. Either you can see the details and everything is overexposed or the colors are correct and the face is too dark. Oh well. She looks adorable in real life!

6:25:blackpug2A few overexposed photos so you can see her cute face.

6:25:blackpug36:25:blackpug46:25:blackpug56:25:blackpug6And waiting on the porch for pictures.


Oh-Em-Gee! I finished one!

It is a girl with mermaids!

And, the Heather Ross fabrics are out again.

Back of the pinafore- button and sash.

A double underskirt with ruffles at the hems.

I’m out of practice. I took her outside and took a number of photos, but couldn’t choose the one I liked best. This one shows her hair the most clearly.

I like the pose of this one.

And I like the color contrast on this one.

Any opinions?

This was my studio, mid-afternoon. She was finished but I put her in the window to look at and be sure. There are 2 more girls on the desk, waiting for their dresses.

girl with fish pinafore

another doll inspired by mermaids and Heather Ross fabric.

This was an interesting doll to work on. I put her body together before I received my Heather Ross fabric in the mail. When the fabric arrived, I realized that the color choices I’d made were not especially good for what I was hoping to do. If you look back at the wip post, you can see that originally I had thought about using different fabrics. As I was playing around, I pulled out my bag of orange cashmere pieces. I set aside a dark orange-red for this doll and also pulled out the bright orange to use on another doll. Well, the bright orange ended up on this little dear. Never, in my rational mind, would I have thought these colors could work together- but in the end, I couldn’t pull them apart!

Her hair is wool boucle fabric hair and the buns are made of wool felt balls. I love her face.

Here are all her outfit pieces- skirt, pinafore and vest.

back view-

And, the 2 girls together.

mermaids ahead

I’ve had mermaids on my mind for a while now and finally have had time to get to work on them.

One done-

Her bangs are dyed wool locks- I thought they looked very fish/ seaweed/ ocean look.

A little starfish in her head-

Hair back- sweater ribbing-

She has a ruffle fin on her bottom-

More photos on flickr.

Some mermaids that I love- Danita’s, Mariana Massarani’s (she inspired my first set of mermaids), and Amy’s to name a few.

girl with buns

Another girl, another cashmere dress. I have been thinking about a little girl doll with these buns for 1 1/2 years. Finally she got to the front of the line.

I used the cuff of the cashmere sweater as the bodice.

The buns are made of felt beads.

And, since I know everyone wants to see- under the dress-